“An individual’s wellbeing is the foundation on which success in life is built.”

Our learning environment creatively meets the specific needs of each child.  We provide a happy and safe environment within which our students can experience opportunities inside the classroom and beyond. We nurture moral values, provide both challenge and support for our little ones and ensure that our students are happy and confident. 

Academic outcome:   


We make sure our children’s speech become more structured and understandable and reading and writing skills emerge and advance. By the end of the kindergarten, our children can read age- appropriate books by themselves.  In kindergarten, we focus on two critical areas: (a) representing and comparing whole numbers, initially with set of objects; (b) describing shapes and space. Children also learn EVS, GK and usually art, music, health and safety , yoga and physical education. 

Our primary curriculum is designed against the skills students need to succeed in life beyond education. Students work through a number of projects which link their learning to the world of work. This ensures that students are applying their academic learning to real life contexts, exposes them to a different potential career path and prepares them for the world of higher education. 


We strive to inculcate in children the brotherhood, patriotism, respect towards elders, honesty and other core values. This process of enriching our children with rich cultural heritage initiates at the Preschool stage. We make sure as the child progresses to Preschool, he / she gets an idea of what celebrations are all about. In kindergarten, the children are able to explore other aspects of our nation and religious festivals. The celebrations of days like Colour day, vegetable day, fruits day, father’s day, children’s day, mother’s day etc .  right from Preschool boosts the very concept of exultation among children.


Active and engaged learning inspire students to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they are studying. Field trips enrich and expand the curriculum, strengthen observation skills by immersing children into sensory activities. Field trips make the children to feel, see, touch and even taste the real world around them. And that’s something the children can only get from the field trips. We encourage experiential learning through the field trips.

We have a very dedicated and hard working staff .Our staff are committed to continual training and growth. We work in a very close partnership with parents so that every child is fully supported.  The achievement of our students is built upon the relationship between students, parents and teachers. We conclude that ours is a happy community, where students feel safe and nurtured by everyone around them.

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